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Well the book is being printed so everything is fine on that end. I will have it in my hands on the 21st, it seems. That's fortuitous because the Babel comics festival starts on the 22nd. Kinda excited.
About the comic, this is where the paneling starts to become a bit more sedate because the brain didn't feel up to fancy designs anymore. The band that formulated after the demise of Nick's earlier effort still exists and plays and records today though by design its material is not something to share publicly. That band however is pretty much the 'other half' of my artistry and it takes a similar amount of my time as do the comics. It being very private is a different sort of experiment to what I'm trying to do with my public art. I think a lot of artists have a more private and a more open side even if they don't strictly differentiate the two by different art forms. It's kinda strange when an artist dies and slowly the work which for whichever personal reason they had deemed unfit for publication, slowly leaks out there. Kavafis, a Greek poet comes to mind. Do people feel a degree of shame when they peruse something that wasn't intended for them? I certainly do.
As before, ask questions and you will receive honest answers.
Also, since I guess most readers don't follow all the comments I'll state it clearly here: Due to a recent adverse situation, I would please advise commentators-to-be to not abuse their anonymity. A great way to do this would be to register with blogger to begin with, and make your profile link to something of yours. I really enjoy wondering through the links found thusly and this sort of communication is imperative to what I'm trying to do.
- Helm
The 'frame-rate' (oh dear that's a good one) suits the more reasoned and logical feel of the page (and not just because it includes formulae).
That said I do prefer when you do experiment and manipulate the frame transitions and interactions more but too much of a good thing is never appreciated.
I chuckled out loud at frame 8, mainly because you were asking for it. My favourite bit however is the last frame it's perfect.
As always a treat.
Hehe. Frame-rate. Hehe.
About frame tricks, the next page has a pretty significant one I think you'd like!
I'm glad the page got chuckle!
Last panel is what happens when you're so tired from drawing for the last 15 hours that you ask Thanos to your left "mention an animal, any animal" and he says "a squirrel" and then you draw a squirrel.
Panels 5 to 8 are hilarious. At last some consistency!
The squirrel thing works perfectly as well.
the squirrel thing is brilliant and funny, in a sincere "childish" way. like inhaling from a balloon inflated with helium, and then saying in your smurf-pitched voice to your girl "and now i 'm gonna rip you apart, my love".
generally speaking about your storytelling i came to notice that, while you use a lot of different little tricks in the same page, eg.the addition/subtaction thing of the band, or the squirel, they neither look like gimmicks nor overload the page in a bad way. eleven small pan/pans out of eleven for every comic page of yours i ve seen.
Thank you.
It seems to me that anything you wanna throw in such a storytelling form (dude narrates to the reader), as long as you handle drawing it just like you handled the rest of the page (I mean it doesn't stick out in the rendering) and you put it in a neat little panel like the more 'normal' parts of the page, it works, it doesn't seem out of place. As long as the theme of the comic is playful, at least.
It seems like it wouldn't work in theory, but it does.
well since i haven't read that much comics, the only two artists i 've seen do it, in such an intense and succesful way, is pazienza and you. and i need to say, that it's very liberating, to see that there is no need for limiting yourself in a certain style and serve it through out your page.
since you know me, you remember me sticking to the mighty brushpen.. well that has changed. everything goes now!
Pazienza has a natural grace about it that I have a long time in front of me before I can emulate.
I think a lot of comic artists stick to very clean and unintrusive paneling and formatting decisions because they want to hide the medium. They want the comic to be discreet, not shout 'HI, I AM A COMIC!! :D :D :D'. This I think also ties in with that once the reader is abruptly reminded he's reading a comic, he begins to wonder about the reasoning of the artist himself besides following the story inside the panels.
In this way, the more extrovert comic artists are trying to tempt human communication AROUND the comic besides telling the story INSIDE the comic, while more introvert artists are hiding behind the story and are much more difficult to detect.
Tied into this is a matter of professional aspiration. This comic is not 'professional looking' like for example, the Memorybot story is exactly because the form is so mutable and playful, almost childish. Artists, especially single-minded introverts that have a lot riding in being considered real storytellers and amazing artists by their peers want to be as professional as possible in making their comics. They want to use the pro tools and the pro paper and they will tell their story like the mainstream pro comic artists tell the story.
It's interesting to ponder, isn't it?
i guess it's always been..
personally speaking, i used to set a lot of restrictions to myself, i thought that inserting something "incoherent" with the technique of the rest of the page would make it seem unfocused.. heh. now i get to see of course that artistically speaking can be the equivalent of castration. selfcastration i 'd say, which is much more painful. anyways, broadening horizons never did bad to anyone.
I think that's an understandable fear because I can see a 'random panel' looking really off in one of the comics you've done for example.
The key for me is that I don't think anything 'whacky' I do in these comics is not cohering with the overarching premise, which is a bit of honest expression of past shames. The stories themselves are not unique or very interesting, I realize, what is - I hope - interesting is how they convey the inherent humanity in them.
For this end I do not think any other ruleset than that is required.
But if you wanted to tell say, a story set in the second world war or something and then you threw in squirrel panel... well perhaps that wouldn't work very much.
Thank you for the dialogue, Panpan. Always refreshing.
Ah hah hah, this is all too great and funny!! I wanna die at age 27! You wouldn't understand! Proust! Misanthropy and boobies!
I can't remember the last time I've laughed out loud while reading a comic. It may be so funny because it's all very true to certain individuals' coming of age (me included).
Good luck with the book, I hope they make it in time.
I'm really glad you like it Blazej :D
Proust is extra-funny to me because it is very close to the onomatopoeia for farting in Greek.
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