Why would you? It's all in crazy moon language (Greek)!
Well if you insist, we can at least talk about it.
It would cost you 5 euros plus shipping to whichever crazy part of the world you're at. We'll have to sort this out between the two of us. I'm a virgin when it comes to shipping costs. Will you teach me?
You would pay me through paypal, optimally. Or you could entice me through promises of sexual favors that you'd think would never have to be acted upon to forgo currency for a time. But what if we perchance meet in the future?! Would you deny me then?
It's 60 pages. The full-page comics are from this blog (though delicately printed in their original resolution!) and there's a boatload of comic-strips I haven't posted here. The page-setting and graphic design has been handled by the wonderfully resilient and beautiful Anny (though you'd have to take my word for it) and the cover has been painted by the formidable German mountain of talent that is Ptoing (Sven Ruthner to his enemies) and you don't have to take my word for that, you can go over there and see for yourself! Lino-cuts now! There's even a professionally shot photo of me in there by Dominika Dzikowska (some of her work here). I find the photo to be wonderful, though some guys made fun of me for it in the festival. The women liked it though, I uh.. hope.
You may see its dimensions - for they are hefty and inconvenient for any but the most spacious bookcases - below:

Amebix + Bolt Thrower = B.F.F.E.
People tell me it's great. They have to, otherwise the charming person above in the photo with me breaks their kneecaps. Yes, while wearing that on his head.
I don't expect to sell more than 5-10 internationally since it's in Greek so I feel pretty alright with the idea of going to the post office these few times. Uh, actually I don't, that sounds really boring. That at the idea of shipping stuff I feel bored my true lack of ambition for success shows. Hey, you might have to wait a few days to get your order, actually. A week? If the weather is good, less because I go cycling with my dearest friend, Nick, towards the post-office when the weather is good.
But why would you want this anyway? Perhaps you should reconsider.
If you are dead-set about this you may leave me a message through e-mail. You can find my e-mail if you're reasonably crafty.