Of the lot I am partial to the greek businessmen one. For once it printed large and very clear. Also, I utilized my comic art skills more than on the more painterly pieces I've been doing recently. I enjoy utilizing the skills I'm most familiar with, so it's a constant back-and-forth between painterly pieces I'm slowlhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gify getting a handle on and more confident but perhaps styleclashing comic ink & color pieces. I'll follow both muses, split myself in half. From the husk a better man emerges.
Also if you're interested in Helmlife, there's a post in Poetry of Subculture which has more to do with that than with the Gods of Steel, so go, go!
I am listening to King Diamond's "Them". It is very good. What are you enjoying, readers?
Kαι τα CAPTCHA με τρελαινουν:P
το είχα ξεχάσει το πρώτο αλλά το θυμάμαι τώρα λες και το άκουγα τα τελευταία δέκα χρόνια κάθε μέρα
τι καπτσα σου έτυχε;
pyrsess στο πρωτο σχολιο, και σε αυτο που κανω untin. Βαρετα κ τα δυο.
Νομιζα κι εγω πως το ειχα ξεχασει, αλλα αποτελεσε soundtrack ενος πολυ δυνατου ονειρου που ειδα σχετικα προσφατα και εκτοτε ειναι στην playlist μου.
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