"Troika rep: Excellent cuisine... you owe me one hundred and eighty euro!"
This is topical to a specific situation where representatives of Troika went to have a luxurious dinner in a Greece ravaged by severe economic legislation. But in a way, quite universal as well.

Ex-president Hosni Mubarak. This is a couple of weeks old, it was drawn while he was still in power. Good riddance.
Below the jump, ink and airbrush versions because I like to show steps.

I quite enjoy airbrush work of this type.

I generally prefer my black and white linework to the colored versions I do for work, but for this one I tried a few more soft-color techniques that I think worked out pretty well and look quite hand-made, so I guess I'm getting the hang of it.
... but all this is just a diversion. What you should be really reading is the post below. What I need to know is about the strength of your love.
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