Hey I am Black Thing. I was wondering if anyone had any questions about comic theory, how comics are made, 'the process' as the say. I've often observed my human while he's making his comics instead of feeding me wonderful meats (I prefer smoked ham) so I thought I'd ask if the other humans that read this have any specific questions I can help with. If I help you, my human will have more time to do other things than talk to you, like perhaps, feed me more or subordinate his toes to my hunting mastery. I think I understand comics better than my human because I don't make them myself. Leave notes on this post and I'll make a list and hopefully return in the future while the human is sleeping.
Keep in mind that I'm not an expert, as you can see I can't even read superhero comics straight.
hi, black thing. didn't know you like comics and you're interested in comic theory. I think it would be interesting to upload some comic pages of hyper-skilled creators and analyze them. i think it would be a nice beginning.
according to superhero comics, it's completely natural not to read them straight, because superheroes are gay (and if you don't believe me, have a look at their uniforms).
Black Thing, I 'd never let you borrow any of my comics because you don't have opposable thumbs. All you have to grip with are claws!
Do felines get some sort of erotic stimulation from human superhero comics, Black Thing? Because from this photo, it appears you might be, um, "cleaning your kitty parts" while you read.
What occult secrets can Black Thing divulge about the division and structure of the pages? In other words, how the frames' shapes, proportions and their interactions can be used to affect the reader.
How does Helm make his comics? What's his process? Does he do everything by hand or does he use that fancy wacom tablet?
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